Monday, December 21, 2015

"Loving Yourself and Others Even When You Do Silly and Stupid Things"

Hey y'all!!!
      Sorry today's email is so much later than usual!!! We have had quite the crazy day!! But I'll get to that in a minute haha :)
      So this week has been good! A little slow, but good!! Last Tuesday the mission nurse (who works in Camden) took my district out to lunch! That was a lot of fun and I even found food that I could eat! Wahoo!! I was glad that she did because that ended up being the last time I saw the Elders that got transferred. Later that evening while we were walking into our apartment I tripped over a tree root and my ankle started to hurt like crazy. But as a strong independent missionary (haha) I didn't think much of it.
The rest of the week continued as usual. We got to meet our two new Elders! Their names are Elder Belknap and Elder Eberhard! Elder Belknap came out with Sister Harvey and this is Elder Eberhard's first transfer! They seem nice so far and we are excited to get to know them better!
      We hold a Book of Mormon class weekly each Thursday. For a while the class had died down and for like 3 weeks in a row no one came, not even all the missionaries. This week we had the biggest class ever! I think somewhere around 12 people were there, total! It was sooo cool! We taught on 1 Nephi 3 and 4 this week!
      Friday and Saturday were pretty typical days in the missionary world! We tried a few people, taught a couple lessons, smiled, and worked hard! Oh, we did have a lesson with J. again on Friday! He is doing great, but his mom did pull us aside and tell us that she doesn't want him getting baptized, but we could still come over and teach him. So we're putting baptism on hold for now, but not his learning! At the end of the lesson we were sitting there and he asked us if it was hard to be away from home for Christmas. We told him that it was pretty hard, but that it was okay because we were serving God. He looked down for a moment, in thought about what it would be like to be far away from home for Christmas, and then he looked up and told us he had made us something for Christmas. He walked into his room and pulled out a small nightstand he had made in his woodshop class! He was very excited to give it to us and I was very excited to have a quick woodshop conversation with him! I will send a picture of him with it later! Sister Harvey and I thought that was about the coolest thing to happen to us!!
      Sunday we had church!!! Which is always great! One of the girls we have gone out teaching with a few times is about to go off to college. She gave a talk on Church that she titled "loving yourself and others even when you do silly and stupid things." She gave a great talk on how we all make mistakes in life, but through Christ we are able to overcome our own dumb things as well as forgive others for the dumb things they do. It was a great talk and I loved the Title so much I stole it hahaha :) After Church we got to go to the family Christmas party of a family that lives in the ward! The parents and 4 of their 5 children live in the Camden ward and many of the grandchildren and even great-grandchildren do! Their 5th child lives in the Elgin Ward (which is the other ward that meets in our building) so it was a great big party and a lot of fun! We were there and the Camden Elders and one of the sets of Elders in the Elgin ward too! They had a little talent show at the end and they asked us missionaries to sing called to serve in it! It was a lot of fun haha :)
     Update on B.: She is still doing great!! She came to church again on Sunday and just loves every minute of it!
      Then we get to today!! So back up to Tuesday when I rolled my ankle. It had swollen up pretty big and was bruised all over. It hurts to put pressure on it, even if it's just resting my foot on the ground while I am sitting down. And instead of starting to feel better each day, it's been feeling worse.  On Saturday the mission nurse asked us to stop by the hospital she works at (which is the same hospital as my ER visit a few months back) so she could look at it. After moving it around and poking it a few minutes she asked me to go get it x-rayed to make sure there wasn't a hairline fracture. The urgent care was already closed by then and we didn't want to go on Sunday, which led us to go today. Luckily the x-ray came back looking good, just that I have a very sprained ankle. They gave me a very fancy brace with a built in ice pack that I am to wear for at least the following week. In accordance with their advice, we have been trying to locate a pair of crutches for me to use! (This way I can stop asking Sister Harvey to keep slowing down haha! We are still looking around. Our adventures even led us to the house of an ex-boyfriend of a girl in the ward because she left her crutches there. haha! We decided to take a break to actually buy our groceries and finally come and email! It's been quite the adventure today haha, but those goes the life of your average missionary!!!
      I hope that y'all are having a great week and a very Merry Christmas!!! In honor of Christmas this week I want y'all to go to There are so many magical things on that website! There are a couple really great videos, but also at the bottom there's a thing called the "12 days of social" what these videos are are different youtubers preforming songs or skits or other such fun things to get you in the right Christmas Spirit! They are awesome! My favorites are the studio c skit (yay for mission approved skit I can watch haha) and the last one which is Rob Lands version of "I wonder as I wander/O come O come Emanuel." It just so happens to be a brilliant medley of my two favorite Christmas songs!!! Wahoo!!! But I hope that y'all have a very Merry Christmas and know I am thinking of each of you this week! I miss and love y'all so much!!!
Love always,
Sister Amy Bennett :)
Lunch with the Mission Nurse

Saying Good-bye to the Camden Elders

"J" With the gift of his nightstand... so amazing!
Lunch datewith 2 of the wonderful Sisters in the Camden Ward!