Monday, June 6, 2016

Christ sees us not just as we are, but who we can become!

Hey y'all!!!!!!
How are y'all doing?? Hopefully having a fantastic Monday!!!!!! We had a great week this week and here is the run down!!
Monday was Memorial Day! We hung out with the M. family! We had a BBQ at their house and then went up to the lake for the kids to go swimming (as missionaries we of course didn't swim ourselves haha). So we had a blast with that! But unfortunately with it being Memorial Day, when we went out and worked that evening no one wanted to talk to us, haha!
Tuesday was great! We had our district meeting! Then we had another lesson with R. and talked about the importance of Testimonies! Then we sang at Golden Age! Then we had a lesson with S. and S.! We made those cans on string things and then talk to each other through them and talked about the Holy Ghost and how He communicates with us, so that was fun!
Wednesday we helped out at the Soup Kitchen again, always a highlight! Then we had a lesson with a less active named K.! In the evening we saw a lady named M., who we've taught a couple times before.
Thursday we had yoga day!! Then we saw a less active M. O.(who we saw about a month ago on the anniversary of her husband's death) so that was good to see her again! Then we sang at Golden Age! In the evening we had a lesson with a man named A.. Then we had our lesson with the M. family. We were teaching K. (the mom) and J. (the daughter) about baptism so that was good!
Friday we planned for our week and then had a visit with Sister K.! We talked about the story of Samuel the Lamanite! Then in the evening we finally met a less active named S. B. we have been trying to meet the whole time we've been here. For some odd reason, in my head he was the cranky old man, but when we met him he ended up being this really nice, nerdy man in his 30s. So I don't know where I got the cranky old man image in my head haha! But we had a really good visit with him! And turns out he's a really big Doctor Who fan so we could talk about that for a moment which was awesome! Then we laughed as we realized we both have a tardis cookie jar that makes a sound when you open it haha! Who knew Doctor Who would come in handy on my mission ;)
Saturday we an extra District meeting to talk about the progress of our district we've seen over this transfer and then what improvements we want to make over the next transfer. Then we had a lesson with a lady named K.! We then saw a man named B. and we read 2 Nephi 31 with him. In the evening we saw K. and we talked about journaling while decorating notebooks to be journals. It was awesome!
Sunday we had church! It was funny because we usually have around 5 people that come to church regularly, but J. and K. were at a wedding, B. is still out of town, J. (from the M. family) was visiting her grandma, and K. (mom of J.) had come down with strep. So we ended up with no one coming to church... at least there's a Sunday every week so we'll try again haha! In the afternoon we had a lesson with a less active, Sister N., and then saw the older man B. again (who we've seen a couple other times) we talked a lot about Joseph Smith with him (he kept calling him John Smith haha). He then told us he was going to come to church next Sunday because he's met a lot of people in his life and we are two of the most Christian people he's ever met. It brought a tear to my eye :). He then said his family was bigger than he thought it was because he has two more sisters! It was cute! In the evening we saw a lady named M..
So it was a really great week!!!!
Spiritual thought for the week :)
I read a talk this morning from the April 2012 General Conference titled "Having the Vision to Do." (I highly recommend it!) And he was talking about how as we see ourselves as the Savior does, and then act on that perspective, then our lives will be blessed immensely and in unexpected ways. He mainly focused on the fact that the Savior called fishermen to be his original apostles. These men did not view themselves as great men or missionaries for God, but the Savior had the vision to see them as who they could become and then these fishermen acted on the vision and became His apostles. I know that is true for each and everyone of us. That Christ sees not just as we are, but who we can become and what we can accomplish. I have seen that so much on my mission, both in my own life and in the lives of everyone I meet.

Well I hope y'all have a blessed week and a fantastic day!!! I love y'all soooo much!!!!!
Love always,
Sister Amy Bennett :)
The District
 The Dr. Who Collection
Visiting Campobello