Monday, October 3, 2016

The Book of Mormon makes all the difference

Hey y'all!!
I hope y'all had a fantastic week! We had another good week here in Inman :)
Monday: We had another good p-day taking it easy at our apartment! We also painted these cute crafts my mom sent us! So that was fun! In the evening we saw R. and read Romans 8 with him because it is just such a good chapter that everyone should read! Then we went and say Sy. and Sa.! We read the story of the 2000 stripling warriors and talked about how God protects us when we have faith in Him. We then played "go fish" with pass along cards, ha,ha,ha!
Tuesday was also good! We had our district meeting in the morning which was great! Sister Coleman gave a training on the Holy Ghost. I'm a proud mission mamma ;) Then we saw Papa J,! He is still doing good and progressing well! We taught about the power of the Holy Ghost in helping him recognize his answers to his prayers, specifically about the Book of Mormon. Then we saw Sister M, again and shared 1 Nephi 3:7 with her. Then we sang at Golden Age! This week it was extra specially because once a month there is a Baptist group that comes in a sings a little and preaches a little and there had been some scheduling conflicts a few times in the past, so this time we planned in advanced and we all sang together! So that was really fun!!! In the evening we saw Bobby and read 3 Nephi 17 with them. Then we saw E, and D, and taught about how Christ and His Atonement can heal us of any afflictions we have.
Wednesday we helped out at the soup kitchen with Sister R, again! I just love the soup kitchen! Then we briefly saw a lady named L, and shared Ether 12:27 with her and talked about how when we turn to Christ we can be strengthened to overcome anything in this life. Then we met the nonmember wife of a less active. Her name is K. She has read a little bit out of the Book of Mormon before so we were able to talk to her about that and she told us we could come back! So that's exciting!!! Then we had Book of Mormon class! This week only the M. Family came, but both of them were very excited to show us the progress they had made in their family history! D. doesn't get excited about a lot of things, but he was very excited about family history so that was awesome!! Then we had our ward missionary meeting!
Thursday we had another great yoga day!! That will always be a  highlight of my week :) Then we saw B. again. It's a little hard knowing how to teach B. because she wants proof of everything and doesn't really believe that we are to learn things by feeling them, so it's definitely a growing experience! But I love her and she is awesome and wants to learn! so our goal is to help her learn more by the spirit :) Then we saw Sister M. and taught her about faith and repentance! Then we saw K. again. We talked about the importance of prayer! Then we met a lady named L. A couple months ago one of the Elders got sick and while at the doctors shared the gospel with his nurse and referred us to her, but we hadn't gotten to meet her until then! So it was great finally getting to meet L. We started sharing the Restoration, but she didn't have time for us to finish, so we set up another time to come back!
Friday: we planned for this up coming week! Then we saw Papa J. again. We read Moroni 10 with him out of the Book of Mormon. Then in the evening we saw a lady named D. that I met on exchanges a few months ago. We were able to share the Restoration with her.
Then we had Missionary Christmas, aka Conference Weekend!!!!!!!
Saturday: It's weird though because out here conference doesn't start until noon! So in the morning we went and saw R. again and taught about following the prophet in honor of general conference! Then we watched the morning session with the R. family! And it was so good! Then we watched the afternoon session at the C. home with K. and R. (a part member family). So that was way awesome!!! I just loved general conference so much!!! The talks were just so inspired :) Then we saw the B. family and also taught them on following the prophet in honor of general conference!
Sunday: In the morning we were out trying some people! I'm glad we are usually at church in the morning on Sundays because it's hard to be out trying people because everyone is at church Sunday mornings here so no one is home, ha,ha! Then we watched the first session of conference with the K.'s! R. was going to come, but he woke up super sick :( But it was another great session! The afternoon session we watched with the T.'s! It was strange because that's who we watch the Sunday April sessions with so it was a strange time warp. I can't believe I've been in the same area for two General Conferences! It's crazy/cool! After conference we were able to meet another part member family, D. and L. D, the less active, was really excited to get another copy of the Book of Mormon and eagerly started telling his wife about it, so that was cool! They definitely want us to come back, but have crazy work schedules, so hopefully we are able to see them again soon! Then we saw J. and K.! We read Doctrine and Covenants 6 with them and talked about finding answers to prayers and comfort through God.
So it was another fantastic week with Conference as the beautiful cherry on top!
My Spiritual thought today is going to be based on one of the conference talks (surprise!). I really loved the talk that Elder Nattress of the seventy gave. He told a story of how when he was a young boy his mother would read the Book of Mormon to him and his brother everyday while they were eating breakfast. He talked about how they wouldn't be paying attention, but rather reading their cereal boxes. One morning he asked his mom why she was doing that every morning and then he said, "Mom, I'm not listening." She talked about how she knew that as the study the Book of Mormon as a family that they would be strongly rooted in the Gospel and that she would not lose any of her children. I know that reading the Book of Mormon makes such a huge difference. I cannot talk about this enough. There are so many stories from my mission of what a difference that reading the Book of Mormon makes in peoples lives. I can promise that as we are all firmly rooted in the Gospel, the Book of Mormon, and in Christ that we will not got lost in the craziness of life.
I can't wait for General conference to come up on the gospel library app so I can read and reread those wonderful talks again!
I hope that y'all have a blessed week! Go forth and do good!
Love always,
Sister Amy Bennett :)