Monday, March 7, 2016

Obedience is the BEST...and Marching as to War!

Hey y'all!!!
I am doing great!!! I absolutely love being a missionary!!
This week was great!! We were busy again which was great!!!
Brief run down of the week:
Monday: We taught a few lessons!
Tuesday: We saw some people, taught some lessons, and sang at Golden Age Retirement Center!
Wednesday: We had the soup kitchen! It's fun because the soup kitchen is at the church across the street from us. There are a lot of people that come every week, so when we come in they all great us with a "Hello Sisters!" and we are starting to make friends with some of them! So that's pretty cool!! Then we went knocking that afternoon and were able to teach some people from that!
Thursday: We had yoga day! It's pretty fun because a lot of the time J. has us share a scripture that we read during our studies that morning! So we really enjoy that! Then we had our weekly planning! Then we sang at Golden Age! We taught a lesson that evening and then cleaned our car for scary car inspections the next day!
Friday: We had a Zone meeting so that was awesome! There are 4 districts in our zone, which totals about 30 missionaries! So it's like a mini missionary party! Ha ha :) It was quite the eventful zone meeting. They announced a few new policies for our mission that are going to change a few things. The first is that members can only feed us if they have a nonmember or less active member with them. Another is they implemented a new program type thing that seriously limits our knocking. Which I am honestly okay with ha ha, but some missionaries are a little confused about that. But they are having us focus more on the people we've already found and less active or part member families. So it should be good! I'm really excited about that! So those were pretty  big ha ha! I also sang a musical number at the zone meeting!! I sang a duet with and Elder from my district (Elder Stapley). We sang the song "Because He Lives" by Sally DeFord. It's a really beautiful song so I quite enjoyed it. Sister Yancey played the piano for it! It honestly felt a little weird doing a duet with an Elder,  but it sounded really good so I guess it works ha ha! Then we taught some lessons! We met a really cool person who I want to talk about later!
Saturday: We pretty much spent all day teaching, which makes for a very happy missionary ha ha :) An 18 year old girl in the ward came out with us so that was a blast!!
Sunday: We had church and the Spanish Branch! So that was awesome! Then we taught some people the rest of the day!
So it was a really great week again!!

So on Friday we were too far away from our house to go back there for dinner. And there's a policy where we can't eat in our cars, so we decided to go out to eat. We went to a restaurant that was close by and we ended up being the only people there. Our waitress was a really nice lady named T. It ended up being perfect timing because she's going through some really rough things so we were able to start teaching her the gospel while we were there. She was really excited to get a Book of Mormon and hopefully we will start getting to work with her soon! But it was just really cool how because of the policies (aka rules) (for example: we have limited miles and not eating in our car) and being obedient to those rules that the Lord was able to place us exactly where we needed to be in order to help T. So that was awesome! Obedience is the best ha ha :)
A spiritual thought for today! Yesterday in Relief Society we had a really great lesson based of an Ensign article from the March 2007 Ensign titled "Forgiving Oneself." Y'all really should go read it because it was just AWESOME! But I want to share a quote from it with y'all!
"Love is a necessary precursor to being able to forgive oneself. As we develop an overpowering love of and gratitude for Jesus for His willingness to forgive us, we earnestly desire to come unto Him- to study His life and teachings and act upon them so that we become more like Him. As we do that, our own capacity to love grows to the point that we can indeed love and forgive ourselves and others... Fortunately, we are not alone. The Savior, through His Atonement, can help us not only to remove the sins but also to forgive ourselves."
I just really liked the lesson because we talked about how the Savior's sacrifice for us was not only to help us be forgiven of our sins, but also to see ourselves as new people that the sins no longer effect. So y'all should go read the talk :)

I love y'all so much! I hope y'all have a blessed week! I think and pray for y'all daily!!
Love always,
Sister Amy Bennett :) 
P.S. I forgot to explain the subject line.  :)    It's in honor of it
being March and a line from the hymn "Onward Christian Soldier." Also
I'm reading the war chapters from the Book of Mormon ha ha :) love

With South Carolina mountains in the background!
:) The three pack: a blonde, a red head and a brunette! :)