Monday, December 7, 2015

Christ was born so that we can live and have light in this world.

Hey y'all!!! 

I hope that this December morning finds all y'all doing well and with a smile on your face!! We have had a good week, but it just flew by! I can't believe that it is already Monday again!!! 

Short overview of this week:

Not a lot unusual happened in the beginning of the week, we worked hard at our usual missionary work.   But the end of the week was quite exciting!!

            Our wonderful  B.  is back in town (finally) and is still prepared and eager to be baptized on December 12!! She is so excited for that and really looking forward to Saturday! We had a couple lessons with her this week to continue to help her get ready and make sure that we get everything taught in time! So that was super exciting and certainly a highlight of the week!

            Friday we had another Zone Meeting! We were trained on "asking inspired questions" during lessons so that lessons are more like conversations instead of us sitting lecturing investigators. We also learned about making sure that we are having good planning sessions. Every night we plan our schedules for the next day and we always want to make sure that we are where God would have us be! So it was a great meeting!!!

            Saturday we had our congregations Christmas party!! It was so much fun!!! We had dinner and sang songs and then got to meet Santa Claus! The best part was the Sister Harvey and I wore matching Christmas penguin sweaters! We laughed pretty hard and figured we would get a lot of really weird looks, but actually everyone loved them! So we were pretty happy!!!!

            Yesterday we were able to see the first presidency Christmas Devotional! I really loved the talk that Elder Bednar gave. I liked how he focused on the first Christmas as it was experienced in the Book of Mormon. I thought it was really cool to remember that that first Christmas had a big impact on people that weren't even close to the city of Jerusalem. Just like we are not present for that first Christmas, the results of the birth of the Savior can bless us each and every day. Christ was born so that we can live and have light in this world. I hope we all can remember that every day, but especially in this Christmas Season!

            I love y'all so much and I hope that y'all have a blessed week! Sorry this email is short. We've got a very busy day today! But never forget that I love you and that God loves you!!

Love always,

Sister Amy Bennett :) 

PS Going off dairy too has been helping a ton.  It is pretty challenging but I know it will help with my health so it is worth it!  Thanks for all your prayers!!